So far, here’s my list:

Others I found that I’d like some backstory on:

  • boogie2988
  • Jack Doherty
  • All the Paul’s (Jake, Logan etc…) no backstory needed here. Fuck Jake Paul!
  • SSSniperwolf
  • masteroogway
  • YouTube kids channels
  • Cody Kos
  • Lankybox
  • Speed mcqueen
    17 days ago

    IH didn’t really get canceled by his viewers though. They still get plently of views and there was no real mass flaming in the comments from what I recall. The ones who canceled them was HbomberGuy and a small amount of his supporters.

    IH played it smart by keeping their mouth shut, not giving the situation any more ammo with a shitty apology, just quietly swept it under the rug and everyone moved on after a week or two.