I have seen all kind of claims, bit they seems to be in the future, like 1.000.000qbits or perfect error correction.
Do they have a real breakthrough or is it just undergoing advancments on a slow road?
I’m not deep enough in that topic, but for mildly entertaining criticism of that whole thing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKYxdzSNqzE&t=343s
I don’t know anything about quantum computing, but recently I heard a long talk by a quantum-computing expert who were trying to convince us to work on quantum error correction. His (probably optimistic) estimate is that: with a good amount of help on error correction, we might achieve 100 logical qbit in 5 to 10 years.
Completely unpredicted breakthrough is rare in computer science; if Microsoft’s tech can actually solve quantum computing (as you discribed), it would have made much much bigger wave than this.
Expert in the field said they are nowhere close in a YT comment on the announcement. Looks like all BS hype to me.
Chip hype is always garbage IMO. Real hardware takes 10 years from napkin idea to first delivery of a any product. There is no fast track here. The cutting edge nodes are extremely expensive to design for and you’re largely doing so based on the future node that doesn’t fully exist yet to be relevant.
So what do they have. Where was the tech 10 years ago, and why is that relevant now. The only thing I see that is relevant is that the market is all over Nvidia and there are a lot of fools playing that stock. So a hyped chip is an easy scam to bait the fools at the moment.
Nothing in quantum is relevant at all anyways. The only thing it can do with value is break encryption. It has no other real application outside of potential military communications. That is the only reason it is funded IMO. The funding for quantum compute is a tiny fraction of AI because AI solves most of the same potential problems.
Same feeling here, and quantum resistant algos for asymmetric encryption ate already designed and are coming.
Without that, quantum computers wouldn’t only break military stuff but also wreck havoc on the internet by breaking ssh (and bitcoin, lol).
Dr. Ben Miles is a physicist turned head of a venture capital firm that “invests in this kind of thing” according to him. He seems skeptical still, but does the best job I’ve seen when it comes to breaking down this whole thing:
Yeah but
he’s not specialised in quantum computing
he’s a venture capitalist, it’s his job to sell his stuff.
even if it does work, we just have to use the new quantum resistant assymetric algorithms (selected last summer, so they do already exist) to make this e-waste.
they lied in 2018 about topological qbits (retracted in 2021), this might just be a funding scheme…
they have, supposedly, made one qbit. And the big thing is they have a roadmap of 25 years to make the big breakthrough… Gimme money for 25 years, I’ll be retired before that happens…
Let’s see what happens, but I’m not laying awake thinking about topological qbits exactly.