Original comic by Mattie Lubchanski
Description: A four panel comic
panel 1: a group of people playing a tabletop game. SOME GUY WHO LOOKS SUSPICIOUSLY LIKE MATTIE BUT A LONG TIME AGO sits next to the DM.
SGWLSLMBALTA: Okaaaay, so! The new character I rolled out is a 6’3" half-orc sorceress. Excited to get playing!
DM: Playing a girl again, huh.
PANEL 2: two other players.
PLAYER 2: Can you just come out already? We’re supportive.
PLAYER 3: Waiting for you to transition is taking forever.
PANEL 3: SGWLSLMBALTA looks off to the side. Shot over the DM’s shoulder.
SGWLSLMBALTA: Hmm? I don’t understand what you are all possibly talking about! “Come out.” Good one.
PANEL 4: The DM and the two other players contemplate death while SGWLSLMBALTA speaks off-panel.
SGWLSLMBALTA: Anyway…She was actually born a PRINCE! of the realm, but was CURSED by a WIZARD to be a girl…
If you like hardmode in games, try hardmode in real life!
Don’t want to? Too bad. You don’t have a choice.
Gender dysphoria in 3… 2… 1… Good luck, Princess.
This is a weird toxic masculinity take (see gaming news) and I’m kinda surprised to find it in this context.
No sure how it’s toxic (see what gaming news?). I saved this meme for myself a while back as I found it very gender-affirming personally.
It was maybe 2 months ago there were people shitting on some game cause it had a female lead and the toxic masculinity lemms were complaining about having to play as a woman and it taking them out of the game.
The thing that makes it toxic is people thinking what you chose to play as in a game reflects your person or personality. That can be men thinking it makes them pussies or gay, or it can be trans folks implying everyone who has played as a female character is denying their transition. Both directions are bad. I mean, one is worse, but that doesn’t make the other attitude off the hook.
(And this is all acknowledged alongside the meme being amusing, just pointing it has issues)