I feel like a really bad job has been done of making it simple, honestly. Or at least was last I checked.
Pointers allow aliasing XOR mutability. There’s all kinds of nuance layered on top of that if you look in the compiler developers resources, but that’s just to allow for all the different kinds of sugar people want in a modern language.
You do not come across as clever as you think that you are when your central point is that you personally are not capable of understanding code written in a different programming language.
Yeah, I know, that all just a humour. I almost always use C++, inspite of knowing rust (cz no jun vacncies for rust, but still). There is no modern language which is absolutely better than other one — compromises are everywhere, that’s why it’s a silly topic to argue about.
Prevent what? UNDERSTANDING the code?
Yeah, Rust is quite successful in that :)
I feel like a really bad job has been done of making it simple, honestly. Or at least was last I checked.
Pointers allow aliasing XOR mutability. There’s all kinds of nuance layered on top of that if you look in the compiler developers resources, but that’s just to allow for all the different kinds of sugar people want in a modern language.
You do not come across as clever as you think that you are when your central point is that you personally are not capable of understanding code written in a different programming language.
That’s a rather old joke. Modern compilers print more adequate things on STL/templates related things.
And it doesn’t make Rust any better.
Yeah, I know, that all just a humour. I almost always use C++, inspite of knowing rust (cz no jun vacncies for rust, but still). There is no modern language which is absolutely better than other one — compromises are everywhere, that’s why it’s a silly topic to argue about.