What surprised me the most was the speed of the compilation, must be a very small program. I tried to compile Godot from source once. Force-stopped it after 3 hours
This is why I will never touch Javascript again. Long ago when I worked on web stuff, half my workflow was spent in the debugger tracing garbage to find where a typo was. The industry moved to Typescript, and now assuming the strictness checks are enabled, if some Typescript transpiles successfully, I can be 95% sure whatever fuckup I observe at runtime is a logic problem.
Weakly typed languages were an awful idea. But in general, if the compiler isn’t able to detect most runtime issues (like with C++ here), it’s not going to be the most productive language to use for building solutions compared to smarter alternatives.
I’ve thought about moving to typescript. Do you have suggestions for a 20+ year JavaScript dev?
Just try it. You can usually convert a single file at a time. Start small (or even with a pet project)
Just me or is the single speech bubble loop in the 4th panel weird?
Very. It’s like they’re both saying it in unison.
It makes sense to me. You start in the top left like how you read and then you get a direction for the order of the conversation. I read it naturally at intended the first time through.
It reads fine. It’s the connection between the bubbles that’s incorrect.
Is C++ the first enemy that managed to win against one punch man?
Meanwhile, Rust punches you in the face for the mere suggestion. Again. And again.
Python happily nods, runs it one page at a time, very slowly, randomly handing things off to a C person standing to the side, then returns a long poem. You wanted a number.
Assembly does no checking, and reality around you tears from an access violation.
EDIT: Oh, and the CUDA/PyTorch person is holding a vacuum sucking money from your wallet, with a long hose running to Jensen Huang’s kitchen.
Ah, C++. An endless supply of footguns where the difference between a junior and a senior dev is knowing what parts of the language to never use.
Real C++ programmers pass by const ref and tell pointers to fuck off.
You can also make everything a smart pointer and be done with it.
I can count on more than one hand the number of large scale projects were converting everything to smart pointers fixed major memory issues. Even if smart pointers can’t handle circular references, the number of projects that just don’t manage their memory correctly at all and we’re fixed by introducing these tools is way too high.
I thought C++ was meant to get rid of C’s footguns?
It’s almost backwards compatible. You can use old or new foot guns.
Hooray, choice!
C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.
- Bjarne Stroustrup
Am I bad at programming?
No, it’s the language thats wrong.
Valid languages:
- HolyC
That’s it
Brainfuck has entered the chat
Except that many other languages have proven that C++ is simply terrible at providing meaningful errors.
I wish there was something like that for SQL
So? Do you really expect the compiler to UNDERSTAND the code?
Here is a grammatically correct phrase for you to think:
Compilers don’t paint tangential apostrophes unless the storm value is deeper than radish. Fraggles love radish.
Congratulations, you’ve illustrated the difference between syntax and semantics. But any competent compiler also handles semantics (just in a separate phase of compilation), because that’s necessary for any useful conversion to machine code, not to mention optimizations.
This is something that Rust is specifically designed to prevent.
There are C++ analyzers like this which are also designed to prevent it (if you have no choice between languages).
Prevent what? UNDERSTANDING the code?
Yeah, Rust is quite successful in that :)
You do not come across as clever as you think that you are when your central point is that you personally are not capable of understanding code written in a different programming language.
That’s a rather old joke. Modern compilers print more adequate things on STL/templates related things.
And it doesn’t make Rust any better.
Yeah, I know, that all just a humour. I almost always use C++, inspite of knowing rust (cz no jun vacncies for rust, but still). There is no modern language which is absolutely better than other one — compromises are everywhere, that’s why it’s a silly topic to argue about.
Man, fraggles really do love radish though.
See? I’m telling the truth :)
I kinda want to look up Fraggle Rock to see what that show was about, but I’m worried I’ll be disappointed in my former self’s taste. I know I watched it when I was like 4-6 y/o.
I watched it when I was 30 as a method of learning English. It wasn’t too childish.
Typescript on the other hand: Exwuse me sir, you seem to have a little oopsie right here. Oh right! Let me just fix that right up.
I mean, the comic is fine I guess, but if it implies the Cpp lady is hitting you, it’s not. That would be the kernel, the lady did what you told her to do.
If undefined behavior is triggered anywhere in the program, then it is allowed by the standard for the process to ask the anthropomorphized compiler to punch you.
100% based and standards-compliant comic
Makes me think of:
deleted by creator