Is there a fetish community for people that want to be ripped apart by Torvalds’ anger?
Kernel driver maintainer
My impression is that Torvalds is actually a really nice guy he’s just very very honest?
He has told people that they should kill themself. I’m not trying to throw a shade on him but that’s the unfortunate truth.
Context matters
Its a very blunt statement but also the way certain people talk. I honestly don’t think Torvalds wants the entire opensuse team tomkill themselves
He didn’t say “hey, <insert name here> go kill yourself”.
He said that if you’re a dev and think its normal to require root password for changing time or connecting to a network, then please kill yourself.
It’s more than anything an expression of frustration in which I recognize myself. I have to deal with a provider from which I won’t be able to leave for at least another year, which is extremely expensive and extremely incompetent, causing me literally days of work and I have wished in more than one occasion that they would all die in a fire because it’s all incompetent managers who don’t do the work they cause all the shit.
When he talks to someone directly, he’ll know, right, Mauro?
I really don’t think context changes a lot in this case. Being frustrated doesn’t make statements like this acceptable. Neither does starting the sentence with “if” or being right (which he was).
Believe me, my intention is not to attack or discredit Linus. As a SE and Linux enthusiast I have a great deal of respect for him. But this is not exclusive with acknowledging that he is just a human and has flaws like all of us.
I brought this up to show that it’s more complicated than just being “really nice but very honest”, that’s all.
Context doesn’t matter because ultimately it’s directed at somebody and telling them to kill themselves. I don’t think he actually wanted that to happen, but he said it. It doesn’t make him a villain, but it’s something that shouldn’t happen.
Why? Are you concerned that the date/time widget author is going to kill themselves? Or do you just not like the concept and don’t think people should talk about it? Something else?
One of those options is unlikely and the other is just a taboo.
Honestly, I really didn’t expect people to argue that telling others to kill themselves is okay but here we are I guess.
Torvalds has had anger management issues in the past. Not saying I don’t understand with the shit he deals with.
OP traumatize me with Ubuntu font
Great and open source? Get a real problem
The Ubuntu fonts are amazing
Ubuntu is the new Comic Sans, right
yeah fuck those entitled Rust Developers.
Aw hell naw, torvalds supports rust in the kernel and the hate against it is just not based on reality
Sure he allows rust now in the but I thought you were referring to the drama around Hector Martin.
The drama where he ended up ripping into the maintainer who’s trying to block rust code from being added? :P
yeah how dare they want to develop in the same way that everyone else does
they should have been a bit more respectful to the C maintainers and devs, as they were the newcomers.
They were pretty respectful, it was the C-devs that were at fault
being new does not mean you do not have the right to develop the same way everybody else is. they did not start these issues, there were C people causing issues for no reason other than not liking rust that started it.
The issue is with creating more work for others. Supporting a multi-language toolchain and build environment is a lot more work than a single language one. The R4L folks have made it their mission to shoehorn Rust into the kernel and they’ve explicitly stated that they will not avoid making more work for others. This has upset some longterm maintainers who did not sign up for additional workload.
Linus Torvalds has been accused of many things but he has always been loyal to his best maintainers. That’s been a big key to his success.
Have you actually read the reasoning behind the anti-rust? it has absolutely nothing to do with it being rust. They would have just as many issues with it if it was Go instead.