just a flag with a photo of a pizza. because pizza is awesome
I ordered a trans flag last week; should arrive any day now. Going in the window with my Bernie 2020 placard and my UPS union efforts placard. Maybe I’ll order a print of Luigi.
You raise a good point. What other flags could folks surrounded by “patriots” fly for good fun?
I wouldn’t do pizza, but I like absurdity. A high brow option might be a pipe… but no, I believe I might go with a lovely, steamy cup of coffee. Or perhaps an uncropped picture of a your pizza flag waving in the air. Yes, I do believe that would be absurd.
Good idea. Pizza’s not topical - everyone likes pizzas.
Here’s the logo of one of my favourite pizzarias for you to use.
Where are you? Your neighbors all have flags?
an overly patriotic part of the united states
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
ha, yeah i kinda did
Hang the pizza flag upside down just to make the point clear.