I’m not a lawyer, but I know they can put enough leins on a property to take possession of it. I’m pretty sure police will also forcefully remove someone who’s violating civil trespassing laws, but again, not a lawyer.
I’m not a lawyer, but I know they can put enough leins on a property to take possession of it. I’m pretty sure police will also forcefully remove someone who’s violating civil trespassing laws, but again, not a lawyer.
Local ordinances can also make things like camping on private property illegal. That would be at the city level, but really an HOA is just another form of local government so I’d argue that counts too.
Local ordinances and HOA CC&Rs can make it illegal to live on your own land unless you meet certain requirements, like having a specific type of permanent building (eg. no manufactured homes).
Now that’s jive
IMO some people take this too literally. Just because you want to be treated a certain way doesn’t mean other people want to be treated that way.
Huh, interesting
How is that different from upnp?
Depression isn’t the same thing as sadness, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it disqualifies someone from being an astronaut. Most people don’t have depression, but everyone feels sadness at some point in their lives.
To answer your question, astronauts are trained to work under extreme stress, so they would know how to compartmentalize the pain and focus on completing the mission. Similar to soldiers.
Maybe something is loose, like the tube that the filament travels through? It definitely seems to be clicking during retractions, but if the print quality isn’t affected then it’s probably not the stepper motor or extruder.