How do you milk your teabag?
How do you milk your teabag?
Bacon, Lettuce, Take yourself the fuck outta here
My favourite thing about updates on my work Mac is when you say ‘try in one hour’ thinking it’ll ask you then an hour later it aggressively closes your programs. I use Linux, Mac and Windows regularly and Mac has by far the worst update experience out of all of them imo.
It’s there because an important customer 15 years ago had a phobia of front doors, so this patch was implemented to make it easier to access the window after climbing the drain pipe.
How do you screw up the most basic fundamental things like window management and a basic file explorer, I’ll honestly never understand.
This is where the fundamental disagreement lies then. The reality is that the people are going to be forced against their will to either give up their land and culture to Russia or have a portion of their citizens forced to fight to defend the existence of Ukraine and the self determination of the rest of the citizens. I think your view here is too black and white to accurately capture the reality of the situation.
Are you in favour of an independent Ukraine if they must use conscription to maintain that independence? I think that’s the key issue and why that statement seemed somewhat empty to me.
Wait, are you against conscription or specifically conscription in Ukraine? I was drawn in by your post title because I think it’s actually an interesting discussion about the implications of a fully volunteer military vs conscription and the societal implications. If you just want to complain about Ukraine having conscription while their survival is on the line…I don’t know what to tell you.
Maybe condemn Russia for their brutal invasion, support giving Ukraine everything they need to win including foreign boots on the ground (which Russia has already done) and the war can be ended as quickly as possible with minimal amount of conscription. Your narrow lens on Ukraine here makes it hard to assume your wanting to discuss the issue in good faith.
What came first, the maggot, the fly, the carcass or the cockatrice?
It’s probably true for some definition of innocent except for small children and babies. The problem is that people making this argument don’t do so honestly otherwise they’d have to apply it to themselves and their own group as well. If nobody is innocent, it doesn’t make sense to use it as a discriminator.
Fair enough, if you didn’t notice a drop in quality or whiplash character/plot developments all I can say is that I’m kinda jealous.
I will disagree with you on the fact that it’s normal for any show to become irrelevant when it ends. Shows that are good enough and capture audiences the way GoT did initially can go on to become much more and maintain relevance potentially for decades. It’s rare, sure, but I think the opportunity was there with GoT.
GoT’s rise to popularity is almost as crazy as its sharp fall into irrelevance.
That was seriously admirable. From memory he actually did improve quite a lot after that as well.
This is a very interesting technological development. I’m pleased that I can keep up with all the latest advances like this in the technology community.
It truly is such a versatile motion