Now if only I could figure out why rehab Monsters are the only ones to not give me headaches anymore… even when compared to a different energy drink with similar caffeine…
Now if only I could figure out why rehab Monsters are the only ones to not give me headaches anymore… even when compared to a different energy drink with similar caffeine…
If someone doesn’t agree, then I propose we also call these trucks
+1 for The Last Lecture.
Also, End of Eternity, but no Foundation?
You think it’s reductionist to label the random ass thing with various merchandising and a film in talks?
What your seeing is Hawk Tuah, but in trading card form.
“How can I monetize this random ass thing I made that popped off?”
So give birth in Canada, got it.
No wonder Trump wants to take it over
I imagine so, no idea how someone could accidentally submit that to the unDEI portal, if someone could tell me so I can avoid it that would be great
The context for the song was Rage Against the Machines protest concert across from the DNC Convention where several people were shot with rubber bullets. I don’t think the line is sarcastic, it’s entirely a protest song against police and State brutality. Probably also saying that peaceful (and not disruptive) protest is just a “deer dance” against violent oppression.
A rush of words. Pleading to disperse. Upon your naked walls, alive. A political call. The fall guy accord. We can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train
Beyond the Staples Center you can see America. With its tired poor avenging disgrace. Peaceful loving youth against the brutality. Of plastic existence.
A deer dance, invitation to peace. War staring you in the face, dressed in black
Ah, I see the president has moved on from transgenic mice. (/s)
There’s a 10mb upload limit it seems, but I wonder if a PDF could be built to act as a RAM bomb to fill up and cripple a computer…
Don’t forget, FireFox Relay and other services can be used for email privacy!
Hopefully nobody takes advantage of the fact you can upload PDFs
Little Bobby Tables getting the best education
Indeed, though I think there is some work on FF on RISC-V (if not builds)?
The image and the article are probably more related than most would think…
You still have 6969 to look forward to, as well as 19666 and 19696. And eventually, 69420.
Hardware video decoding is now enabled for AMD GPUs on Linux.
Very cool
On Linux, Firefox is now available on ARM64 (AArch64), with installation options via APT and tarballs. Flatpak support is coming soon.
Will be interesting to try an ARM Linux laptop in a few years…