I get that feeling when I press “report spam” and gmail suggest I “unsubscribe from them”, that that’s exactly what the spammer want, a ping back so they know I’m susceptible, that I’m an engaging fool, and get put on all the lists.
Born 1983, He/him, Danish AuDD introvert that’s surfed the internet since he was a tween.
I get that feeling when I press “report spam” and gmail suggest I “unsubscribe from them”, that that’s exactly what the spammer want, a ping back so they know I’m susceptible, that I’m an engaging fool, and get put on all the lists.
While LaurieWired isn’t a linux youtuber she does use it here and there, and her content is in general very interesting reverse engineering stuff. And I like the Serial Experiments Lain theming she uses, complete with Copland OS in this video, but also other old late 90s early 00s OS’es.
Jill from Destination Linux has already been mentioned, and then the only other linux woman youtuber (edit: I know of) is probably Wendy from Linux Out Loud..
Says something about USA that both the eggs and chicken meat has to be chlorine washes before consumption, I wish I didn’t think about it so often.
Besides all the other insane shit we’ve heard from USA in the last few months, and the Nord Stream pipelines sabotage, Danish eggs aren’t exactly dirt cheap. Also, we’re more known for our pork production.
It has two red circles and bottom text, of course it’s a meme /s
I mean, we all saw what happened with the Budapest Memorandum. Any agreement to demilitarize is worth nothing for Ukraine, but a boon for Russia.
It was surprisingly hard to find. And having found it I’m not sure I want to share where I found it.
Wormwood foxford
It’s from September 27, 2019
It really doesn’t take a genius to figure out why. And especially not on this sublemmy.
It’s multifaceted, but I can mention one of the things she messed up: She made council houses a commodity[1], and now everyone is paying the price because nobody can afford to buy their own home because said council houses have been taken over by greedy landlords that keep the rent so high that nobody can afford to save up for a house of their own.
What she did was the equivalent of pissing in your trousers to keep warm…
Council houses used to be the affordable stepping stone before you saved enough money for your own place.
Yeah, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland use “bil”, but e.g. Germany and Finland went with “auto”. I like etymology stuff like that, like how the name Johannes became Hans in German and John in English.
It’s for the same reason a lot of horror movies and tv series take place before the invention of the cellphone.
fan speed hysteresis
As a noob on these things, I had to rummage around to find those settings, and yes, they do indeed exist.
I greatly appreciate your comment, made me aware of what I could improve. I wouldn’t even have noticed those settings if I hadn’t looked up hysteresis, it’s not a word I think I’ve ever come across before heh.
I’m on linux, switched last year. But thanks for the recommendation!
I have 2 fans on my GPU, and I can control the curve through CoolerControl on Linux. I’ve also looked at LACT which has GPU fan control, though a bit simpler. I kept the services separated, so I could test each without them interfering with each other, but I have to say, when I woke up today, that’s what I thought was the problem, but no, after some testing I can see that it’s just that my fans, perhaps due to firmware, just doesn’t spin up unless it’s above 45%.
I looked around to see if others were having issues, and this github issue says that Nvidia API caps it at 30%. Maybe it’s capped at 45% for me on linux for some reason? I’m not too fussed about it, I’ve just made a curve that kicks in around the time I need it to.
EDIT: I did see the fans try and kick in around 40%, that’s why there are those spikes on the histogram on the left, that’s me slowly increasing from 40% to 41%, to 42% etc. Was only stable at 45%.
True. But I also tested when my GPU fans would turn on and it seems like the cut-off point was 45%, below that and they’d just stop completely. And normal idle temperature is around 40°C, and with the curve on the left it makes sense that even a 5°C increase would rev the fans up from 0% to 45% making it sound like a jet fighter about to take off.
Based on the sounds from my computer, that’s exactly the same curve the fans on my GPU and CPU uses, except for the X axis being temperature starting from 0°C going to 100°C and Y axis being fan power in percentage.
First the US helps destroy it, and now they want to repair it?
“The US would say, ‘Well, now Russia will be dependable because trustworthy Americans are in the middle of it’,’” said a former senior US official, who was aware of some of the dealmaking efforts.
I wish there were sources for such “said a former senior US official” statements.
It’s been a hot minute since I watched it as well, but I’d watch it almost religiously over and over for a while back then. Same with The Matrix and Office Space. All 1999 movies, huh…
Speaking of VeronicaExplains: How VeronicaExplains Records Videos, ft. VeronicaExplains (not the best sound quality.)