Sure let’s talk about Normandy.
Sure let’s talk about Normandy.
Look up Ariane 6. It’s still more costly than the Falcon 9 but who in their right mind would trust the numbers Elon is sharing? Seems like they both cost around 100million $ per launch. Elon is claming 30million per launch and that he will make it cost 2 million…
His best friend would even say he was asking for it.
Maybe he should sign a deal with the people who hacked his platform and give them about 20-30% of the companies shares? Apparently that’s why people need to do when under attack, give the aggressor whatever they are asking for.
You misspelled allegiance.
Not exactly the same but Truck driving Simulation on PC.
Personal opinion is ghost story gain credibility over time because people wrote about it or talked about and built a legendarium around the place so when you look into it there is substance it’s not just one guy talking about something that happenned to him.
If it’s just the experience of one person and there are no books or stories about the place it’s just less appealing and stimulating for peoples imagination.
I like you picking a Scania and a Peterbuilt to represent real trucks. A person of great taste for sure.