No? This is a bunch of Tolkien tropes + Conan the Barbarian + a bunch of shuffled around real world cultures.
The Last Airbender continent was mostly China, with the fire nation being steampunk imperial Japan. At the poles there were the Inuit-inspired water benders and the Air Benders were Tibetan monks except spread around all over the place on mountaintops.
There weren’t any Egyptian pyramids or nomadic steppe peoples that I can remember being portrayed in Avatar, and there certainly weren’t any elves, orcs, dwarves, wizards, or barbarians from the icy north.
Really? Everything I’ve heard about pedestrian safety suggests that its better to go onto the hood rather than be pushed down and go under the wheels.
It seems like this design would do exactly that, in addition to creating a blind spot directly in front of the vehicle. Though I suppose these trucks are so tall you’re likely to go under anyway.