At this point, that’s like a default corporate feature.
At this point, that’s like a default corporate feature.
In the deceptively simple, yet seemingly complex social conundrum, you’re practically insulting two or several of their generations.
You see, their daddy and granddaddy before them didn’t need no paternity leave and their kids (as in themselves) turned out to be just fine! Now here you are coddling and spoiling your children rotten, proving everything wrong with the newer generations!
How can a man provide food on the table, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs by sitting at home and playing with their kids? Unthinkable! Unconscionable! Un-American!
Or so a theory goes…
Ugh… Can’t throw Hungary out of EU. They’ll go hungry and hangry and they’re landlocked behind defensive lines. Orban knows he’s a thorn and is loving every minute of it.
Being an evil oligarch/dictator wannabe is very fun until someone actually kills you.
Eh. Not really. I’d say it goes in the other direction, that the network can fragment into pieces which eventually coexist (or not), yet remain independent from each other.
As the saying goes, we are legion. Yet circumstances has us in a shared working space that requires a single, unitary voice. Interdependence dictated by environmental limitations. And should those limitations disappear, I’m not sure a person would remain a person for long.
I don’t know how to tell you why you’re a bit wrong and i hope someone else will.
I will try though.
The brain is like a network that involves the central nervous system. It isn’t just one big thing at the top of your head, but a series of small things connected together from the top of your head down to the end of your spine. And the constraints on their abilities depend heavily on their environment.
Higher processing power consumes more energy and requires better cooling. And the human body can only provide a limited amount of both.
It’s a matter of matter itself. Our bones, blood vessels, muscles, everything are what they are due to the planet we live on. We can’t do better (for now) due to chemistry.
So it’s really not that the brain can’t, but that the basic laws of our local universe don’t allow it to. By itself however, I’d say it almost definitely can or it will at least grow to try.
It was scientifically proven that the squiggly lines make the seat seem cleaner than it actually is.*
*Or not.
That happens because it’s a social act. People who don’t want to, but have to due to some sort of obligation or as an indirect action towards achieving something else.
Activism is a chore they have to do, so without people in charge sincere in what they do and aware of this type of obligation, any attempt at serious activism will end up half-baked and likely to do more harm than good.
It’s tough to find people who do something for the sake of it and not as a springboard meant to pursue other interests.
I can decouple a wagon or two for a while though.
Do you even need to ask? It’s in the name, ID every1!
We already know Google is run by evil reptilians. But they’re locals, not aliens.
According to a documentary I watched in passing on tv some years back, he had several types of dentures and most of them caused him great pain. One could even say his need for teeth helped in small part advance denture technology in the US.
Washington’s teeth were made of diamonds and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Wow that’s such a dumb thing I didn’t expect to read today. I can see why you would think so, but still… Wow.
Well yes. How else would anyone know it’s reserved for personal use?
Hmm… Being too much in the know can at times be as troublesome as being too little.
and a sweeping statement about all of them in general.
Or, hear me out here, the ones that don’t aren’t modern… Get it? Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
If you haven’t come across them yet, then i might be a pioneer! Dibs on the patent!
But your words confuse me. Either it’s not true at all or it happens. You’re sure they exist, though rare. As i said before, suspicious. You might just be one of those rare occurrences after all…
You wish to be the first acknowledged one, no? It’s alright, you can have the honour. I’ll keep mum about it for you.
Yes. Which is why there’s enough cases of parents forgetting kids in the car to make it a visible issue.