australia has them far more commonly than american land yachts. we call them utes rather than pickups though (ute = utility) and mostly they’re driven by tradies (you can guess that one ;p)
australia has them far more commonly than american land yachts. we call them utes rather than pickups though (ute = utility) and mostly they’re driven by tradies (you can guess that one ;p)
wow yeah i hadn’t considered that
fucking ew
isn’t it only the difference above what you’re taxed in your country and what the US would tax?
and since the US tax rate is one of the lowest in the world, it almost never applies
i think it’s covered by the foreign tax credit
i thought it was just that if the country you’re in taxed you less than what the US would, then you have to pay the difference to the IRS?
… and there’s no way in hell the US taxes less than sweden (and for anyone that hasn’t had an ice pick lobotomy that’s a good thing)
*edit: foreign tax credit
well then even funnier if it were australia - literally as far away as possible - now that we’ve been tariffed too!
the word “continent” is very ill-defined in this case, and actually has nothing at all to do with plate tectonics
python in general tends toward readability over performance optimisation… you’re right they’re an advanced concept, and i’d say if you ever use bitwise operators in python they should be wrapped in some descriptive and very minimal function: treat it like a black box, because the next person that comes along likely won’t understand what’s happening without a pretty good description
a bit field is just not a descriptive data structure, so manipulate it directly as little as possible
i’d also say that most peoples use of bitwise operators is when unpacking external data formats (network traffic, operating system primitives, files formats, etc) and they’re usually wrapped in data structures that make those things more pythonic
unless you know you need bitwise operators, you probably don’t need bitwise operators
i’d say it’s less that people “get very uppity about it” and more that it’s not something that’s particularly relevant. we have no evidence for or against, and the outcome doesn’t really change how we interact with the world
likewise the universe could be entirely chaos and everything that exists in this instant: your memories and understanding of the universe and everything to back it up could just be the current arrangement of things and will be torn apart in the very next instant
but it’s not really a useful position to form conjectures from: if it is, it doesn’t matter what you do; if it isn’t, then you should act as if the universe will be here and that your memories are valid
it was really useful but in typical apple fashion the defaults were pretty simplistic… if you customised it by installing things like better touch bar and spent time integrating it with your workflow, it was great
but also, i don’t miss it much
it was great if you really leant into it and installed custom stuff like better touch bar… but apple never really did a lot with it: it could have been really cool, but it never got the attention it needed
there’s actually a bunch of these, but healthcare tends to fall prey to “too much money, too many consultants, fancy brochures”
i imagine that it’s only the UI - they’d have to implement all the profiling etc themselves… but it does mean they have a framework to build the tools into, and not having to build the UI rather than starting from scratch which is a huge help
ahah righto well yeah that’s all super shit
i meeeeean idk much about french politics, but from everything i heard the biggest shit show was the pension thing, and that was more an individuals being annoyed about getting less, but the pension situation was unsustainable so they either do something or it all imploded and macron tried to do something and people hated it because it effected them personally but now they’ve still got to deal with it and it’s just getting worse?
go to your home screen, close your eyes, and then open your lemmy app without looking
you can absolutely not get feedback from a touch screen about which control you’re groping around blind for: this leads to people looking at the screen while hunting and pecking for buttons, and that’s incredibly dangerous
up side: divergence isn’t so bad… divergence leads to problems being solved differently rather then homogeneously because it’s cheaper to copy than to solve
just because it is doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be regulated to be
i’m going to add something that isn’t really visited a lot in this context: how gay culture deals with this
i find gay men are often a lot more open with this kind of thing than the straight world. we’re quite a bit more promiscuous, kiss each other on dance floors right after meeting, etc. we have a lot more non-verbal cues that imply consent too…
mutual glances and grins across a dance floor leads to moving closer, compliment them on their clothes/hairstyle/etc, that might lead to more questions about where they got it, conversation with their friends - kinda join their group for a bit and then nobody is left out… we tend to ask for socials rather than a phone number: phone number implies date, socials is just “you’re cool” so nobody is upset: they can all give you socials and worst case you have a few new friends
that said, in gay culture you’re equally likely to just go straight from that to back home with them because we place more importance on doing what’s fun rather than needing to worry so much about if the guy is safe to be alone with - we have grindr etc after all
the “hit em in the fuckin head so they don’t suffer” requirement?