Interrupting a circle jerk is poor manners.
Interrupting a circle jerk is poor manners.
This has been the easiest option so far. thanks.
Any idea how to make this work with The layout is so much nicer.
I didn’t realize you could local host some of the apps like that. Guess this is going to force me to start learning how to do that. I’ve been wanting to set up a RSS feed too.
Nice. I tried doing it myself in ublock origin but never got it working right. I’ll try to find that thread and/or work off your example.
Mostly just keyword filtering but it would be nice to have some of Voyagers other features. I wasn’t aware you could local host it with a web front end like that. Looking into that as well.
Thank you!
They’re correct. Ozone generators do help with bedbug infestations, I’ll try to find the paper I read.
And another:
I used ozone generators as part of a bed bug treatment, along with CimeXa and Crossfire as I recommended in another reply. And it was effective. But I was lucky and found them before moving in, so I was able to seal the house up and go nuclear.
You don’t really want to run an ozone generator in an occupied house. Even if you seal a room up, it will leak out and probably not good to breathe. But it has the upside of killing just about anything living, so it will kill both bedbugs and their eggs given a high enough concentration and long enough time.
I bought one of these (not an affiliate link) and it was overkill.
CimeXa is diatomaceous earth turned up to 11. Not as cheap, and probably more hazardous to breathe; but works great.
That and Crossfire concentrate seem to be the best treatments I’ve found if you aren’t able to bring in industrial heaters or ozone generators. Luckily we found them before moving in. But 6 months later I’m still paranoid and examining every little bug I see.
Nope. Before the (widespread) internet, I ran my CB/Ham mic through a guitar pedal or echo box.
I’m still a radio nerd, but I have zero interest in talking to anyone. I just want to hear what’s out there.
As for the Inalto, it’s freezing up at the top corner of the unit and only drawing 30 watts.
Check the fan(s). That’s a common failure point on new fridges. I just scored a nice Kitchenaid side by side for free because it froze in one area of the fridge and got warm in another. $30 fan and it works like new.
Thank you my friend!