Except for that time I took out the battery because it was swollen and took the screen off to help with cooling. At least I still have my K and M
Except for that time I took out the battery because it was swollen and took the screen off to help with cooling. At least I still have my K and M
Copy paste is easy. You just tap on the, no wait you tap on the, fuck hold on. You tap, there we are, on the word and hold until it highlights. No wait hold on. Fuck. There we are. Ok now you tap on the highlighted word to copy, fuck wait Ah fuck it just type it again yourself
Honestly this is so simple and effective at stopping these sort of scams dead in their tracks. When you call in to help desk and say “I was just on the phone with your agents about a payment problem” and they don’t see any record, it’ll set off all sorts of alarm bells. Especially if it’s the bank.