Russia barely has a 1000 km frontline under control, what’s that long red thing on the right?
You’ve already got my region of England highlighted, so there I suppose! I could work from home xD
If your a civilian you want to be on the US front, if your a soldier you want to be on the Russian front.
It seems most people get it, but I don’t - Care to explain?
Americans are better at following the laws of war, but are also more efficient at waging war.
Americans are better at following the laws of war
You think the Trump admin won’t actively seek to degenerate the US military to the level of the orcs?
Russia can’t defeat the US in conventional warfare, but is much-more-comparable from a nuclear aspect. So Russia has a significant incentive to use nuclear weapons.
I’d guess that the US probably has a shot at actually getting a first strike off versus Russia. So the US has a significant incentive to use nuclear weapons.
Anyone intending to make serious use of nuclear weapons has very little reason to hold back if they expect a high likelihood of the other side responding massively. So they’ve got a significant incentive to go all-in.
I think that there’s a pretty good probability that a major war between Russia and the US of the “only one of us is walking away from this” sort goes very nuclear very quickly.
Russia’s entire military budget is somewhere in the same order of magnitude of what the US spends just on maintaining its nuclear arsenal, so no, they are not comparable there either.
This map forgets that the US have direct access to bases in NATO countries.
Trump could just send troops in the open to the bases, and then turn around on the local forces.
US taking over NATO countries will not be a Normandie style sea landing, they would break out of our own bases having disabled them first.
People coming up with scenarios like that forget that the US would have huge supply lines to keep those bases going while the other country is literally right there. And it is not as if you would need to besiege a modern military base for months to starve them out.