Weird Al’s White And Nerdy, so much better than Ridin Dirty.
Galaxy Quest!
Still the best star trek movie
Airplane parodying the airliner movies like Zero Hour
Dr Strangelove parodying atomic terror movies like Fail Safe
r/TheDonald. If I remember right, it started as a meme sub before he actually ran, then it was overtaken by actual supporters.
It was so weird watching that live.
Kung pow: enter the fist
Cunk - parodying Attenborough and cosmos style docs
Starship troopers - more of an active ignorance of source material
Happy Gilmore
Not really a parody but “happy but beats 2 and 4 are swapped.”
The truth is this: oof!
Just listened to it, I elfe keli eninglist ot ti kebro ym inbra
This does not fit the criteria so im sorry in advance, but it reminded me of the “Somebody That I Used To Know” song and that there is a really cool “5 people 1 guitar” cover that has 200M views which is a good 8% of the original video with 2.4B views.
They actually use 9 hands on that guitar (10 if you consider the one holding the top end)
Pretty much everything from Weird Al.
Word Crimes for taking a song about dubious consent and changing it into a legitimately educational song.
Airplane! lapped Zero Hour! so hard most people don’t know about the existence of the latter
TIL Airplane! is a parody.
it also spawned the whole genre and although Leslie Nielsen made lots of movies before this, his legacy is this as well as the other parody movies
Hot Fuzz is the best buddy cop movie I’ve ever seen.
Just as Shaun of the Dead is the best zombie movie (come fight me)
Blazing Saddles. It killed the western genre for a long time because of how well it parodied them
Austin Powers did nearly the same with Bond/spy flicks for a while. From Wikipedia:
Daniel Craig, who portrayed James Bond on screen from 2006 to 2021, credited the Austin Powers franchise with the relatively serious tone of later Bond films. In a 2014 interview, Craig said, “We had to destroy the myth because Mike Myers fucked us”, making it “impossible” to do the gags of earlier Bond films which Austin Powers satirized.
The best parodies are humorous takes that treat the source material with repect.
Shaun of the Dead
Galaxy Quest
Army of Darkness (person out of time becomes a leader against evil)
Galaxy Quest belongs at the top of any such list. It’s widely considered to be one of the best Star Trek movies.
By Grabthar’s hammer, what a movie.
…Maybe I’m the plucky comic relief…
Yeah! The wild part is that hardcore Trek fans - myself included, of course - just take it for granted that Galaxy Quest will be included, and toward the top end, of any ranking of Trek films.
Army of Darkness (person out of time becomes a leader against evil)
So an isekai
How dare you‽ You’re right, but how dare you‽
thanks i hate it
Hot Fuzz is up there for me too
The Orville
I don’t even consider that show parody, I consider it Star Trek with a different brand name
Season 1 was basically Seth MacFarlane’s TNG fan scripts… it’s a Star Trek series through and through.