International rankings of the US are abysmal
“Vision of Humanity 2024 Global Peace Index ranked 132nd out of 162 countries”
…yup. sounds about right. We’ve been at some kind of war for pretty much the entirety of our existence…
We can’t understand how millions can vote for a senile, convicted sexual predator as president…
Dude half of us don’t understand it either.
It’s amazing what decades of defunding education will do when you mix it with a healthy dose of conservative talk show TV and social media algorithms.
I dunno, i understand it pretty well. Lack of education, lead paint/gasoline, nationalism, fascism, racism, sexism, economic disparity, lack of healthcare to deal with neural degeneracy common in trump supporters, and finally lower borth rates among the more educated. America is a shithole, and has been for the past 40 years at least. Until we finally grow a spine and start “adjusting”, things are going to continue getting worse until were all dead and the olligarchs own everything. Then theyll move on to fucking the rest of the world (harder than they already are)
Affordable healthcare
Public transit
Civilian oversight
Prisoner rehabilitation
Universal income
Free education
Separation of religion and state
Wealth taxes
Law enforcement accountability
Environmental regulations…
Where is this magical place?
Was guessing so. Thanks for your reply,
We exist as much as you do. You’re not the main character.
! for USA questions
Say that to the aliens who are going to make first contact with us.
In either New York or Los Angeles, because those are the only places that exist, clearly
Your gun worship is killing you.
The U.S. is an oligarchy.
As an American, I’m gonna barge in with my loud opinion, 'cuz that’s what we do. Here’s something which people living elsewhere might not know that Americans aren’t ready to hear:
Automobiles are luxury toys and fashion accessories, and we shouldn’t base our entire lives on them. No, the car industry didn’t make our economy strong; it took off after we already had a lot of extra wealth to burn after becoming a world economic powerhouse. We can’t afford to keep wasting all that wealth on them as the world starts to burn, and half of our citizens sink into poverty.
Most “third world” or “developing” countries aren’t that bad, and there are places in the US far worse than the median developing country.
Also most people in most places do not want to go to the US, even to visit much less immigrate. It’s generally either the worst of a particular society or those specifically harmed by the US previously and feel their chances are better off with the abuser instead of in the abused country. It’s not a wanted destination.
You need a second civil war
out of curiosity, how many wars have you been caught in the middle of?
Just my own personal hell. 40 years in the making. You?
none, and gods willing that will always be the case. Civil war isn’t just “good guys vs bad guys”—hell, it wasn’t even that the first time around, despite union propaganda trying to make it seem like their intentions were pure. War is also starvation and loss of access to clean drinking water and constant blackouts as supply chains get interrupted; it’s many people dependent on uninterrupted health care dying off because they can’t get their meds or do their testing; it’s r*pists and pedophiles and nazis and sociopaths having their way with others while society gets distracted; it’s your loved ones dying, not because they were fighting for what’s right, but because they were “acceptable losses”; it’s constant anguish that destroys lives for multiple generations as trauma gets handed down like an heirloom.
Living through a war is about the most extreme form of hate I could imagine wishing upon someone. If someone who lived through one is willing to say “it’s time,” then I’m willing to listen. Otherwise, please excuse me if I don’t.
For millions of United States Americans, the so called “American Dream” is achieved in Mexico. They’re often illegal immigrants. They often have mental health problems. They gentrify our cities and are entitled as fuck.
Pot calling kettle and all, but I do wish they’d go back to their own shithole country. They have demonized my country for decades and have weaponized the cartels to feed their own addictions. Most of the problems here can be tied directly to their humongous drug problems.
Yankee go home. The United Mexican States is tired of your shit.