I’ve tried Gemini, and honestly being that we are in the fine year of 2025 already, it actually feels like a regression from Gopher, to the point I’ve described it in other Gemini discussions as “taking Gopher and formatting it as a brutalist buttplug”. The fact that, unlike Gopher, or HTML, or whatever else, there is no way to iterate the protocol, only makes it even worse.
Personally if I had to do a “smaller web” thing I’d simply pick up on the work that someone else already has done that is proven to work. Archive of Our Own has a pretty decent document parser that takes only a “safe subset” of HTML and CSS that allows at least the historical styling inherited from the printing press, basic accessibility and machine readability elements like quoteblocks, cites, timestamps and inline diffs, and at least recognizes enough CSS to allow to describe naturaly occurring phenomena such as color, shape or size of text. So, enough for rather decent document styling.
Sure, it’s not 100% there but from what I’ve tested for my work, it’s about 10 years closer to a decent web semi-replacement than Gemini and Gopher will ever be.
What’s Gopher?
It’s an older hyperdocument protocol, in some ways the predecessor of the web. You could have a Gopher client that would give you a listing and a search to access a number of resources,
Rather than Gemini, we should make some kind of web site certification for no cookies, no JavaScript, and no external images. Maybe have a browser plugin that gives a checkmark on the tab when you’re on a complying site.
I’m fine with that I just wished there was image support,
Lagrange supports inline images fine, any client can implement it if they want
The argument for the lack of it is that pixel trackers could be used to break privacy.
This shows that the Gemini devs didn’t know what they were doing. You can track people by parsing your server logs if you want. You don’t need a pixel tracker to do that. Limiting images to local server links only would have done the job.
It’s just that the user is in control of page styling.
By personal taste, I would prefer that every page has its own custom look instead of making it the same. Gives more personality. They could at least create some sort of reduced CSS and make it optional to load. If I wanted to see a simple page, I would rather read a book.
⚠️ This is just my personal opinion, you are free to respectfully disagree with it. ⚠️
Gemini is more of a markdown format so I feel the renderer should be allowed to parse it how they like
Also, some clients use the page URL to give each page some different styling