Not like, casual “Hi, how are you?” but seriously, how are you? Are you sleeping okay, is everything in your personal life going all right? And if not, can Internet strangers do anything to help?
That “No” buttons looks sexier every night.
I feel that, just gotta keep on keeping on though. Even if today sucks, tomorrow could be better, and you can only hit the no button once.
It’s a real sexy no button though.
From my experience life is a ball rolling down a hill. It never gets higher than the day before and if it hits the bottom you die.
Your birth decides the starting height and your effort decides the slope.
I started somewhere in the lower middle and put zero effort into life. Now I’m not even half way past others but I’m already near the bottom.
Let’s say I’m not exactly expecting a natural end to my life at this stage.
Life is definitely not a hill, it’s a rollercoaster. And there is no bottom. If you think you can’t take it anymore, there’s always a way to take more. If your bottom gets too deep, it does get harder to climb back up though. It might take a couple tries before you’re all the way back tot he top. That’s just my viewpoint though. You might not see it that way. And if you can’t see the foothold, than you can’t climb them. Maybe a change of perspective can help. Getting out there and meeting people can help with that. Volunteering is also a good one. A volunteer job doesn’t pay in money, but it pays in other ways, like perspective, experience, happiness, purpose, knowledge, socials contacts, things that are good for the soul.
This is my life story. Every day, I understand more and get closer to “old man lives alone with his dog in the woods”
old man lives alone with his dog in the woods
thats my dream life, enjoy yourself dude
Yeah, except I can’t afford a dog or woods.
I’m okay as long as I don’t doom scroll too much.
I’m Canadian and middle aged. I was braced for a rough Trump 2.0, but the last month has truly exceeded expectations for suck. Our country is under economic attack by our biggest trading partner. Human rights and trying to help and support each other are suddenly considered bad things. Our window to address climate change is snapping shut as our leaders around the world move in the wrong direction. I’m feeling really good about my decision to not have kids at least.
On the plus side, my sick cat is responding to treatment, and my partner and I have just set up a nursery - we’re going to start fostering wee kiddos whose families are going through rough spots. I’ve got some financial flexibility so I’m treating myself to a stack of coffee gift cards each week that I hand out to folks who look like they could use it. Sorta makes my day to be able to make sure someone unhoused gets a warm drink and some food.
Politics is absolutely a mess right now, part of the impetus for this thread lol
I’m so glad your kitty is responding to treatment! It’s so scary when they’re sick, I hope they get better soon.
I love the coffee card idea! When I have some extra cash at the end of a paycheck I might steal that.
Every day hearing stuff about Trump is eating away at me. I remember four years ago. Depression settled in. I’m afraid for the next four years of this. It’s only been like 5 weeks.
I envy the blissful ignorance of teenage me. I didn’t understand much of what was going on during the last presidency of mr. orange. I hope you and me find some way of coping. I fear it will be a long 4 years. Maybe I’m wrong, I’d love to be wrong.
Sleep is like it’s always been. Tired in the morning and awake in the evening. The lack of daylight in the winter is getting worse and worse the older I get.
Other than that quite good and slowly getting better.
got hit by a basketball a week ago on my left thumb and it still hurts, but whatever, luckily if it gets worse I can just go to the town hospital and get it fixed for free
I do worry for all that’s happening in the USA and for what that means for us Europeans, but there’s not much I can do apart from voting
Parents are still on the far right ideology, I made the accident of mentioning politics and they said Zelenskyy is a dictator put in power by Biden, and that Putin is right by attacking them because they tried to join NATO…
Whatever. I just hope I get old enough to not get drafted when Putin decides to invade us.
I’m slowly prepping for whatever is to come, but money is tight, and nothing’s helping.
I’m sleeping decently thanks to meds, but I still have many issues at home and at work because of ADHD, and I often end up lying on my bed with many things to do, no energy to do them, and at the same time too much energy to rest, which only fuels my frustration.
I have a couple hobbies I do when I’m not terribly down, but they don’t involve leaving my home and my social circle reflects that, I have a couple of distant friends left and even just the thought of a partner is light years away
but hey, my dog’s happy
man, I wish I was my dog
Living on public housing only with food stamps and little money from my aging mother, can’t afford anything, barley can eat, disabled and can’t work although been applying everywhere but disabilities means I’m disabled. But government says I don’t exist, wants to take the little things I have away like food and shelter, government says I can work because I can checks notes “fold laundry” and “work a telephone switchboard”.
Been like this for the last 10 years battling every day to just exist
Oh and don’t forget the government internment camps that I probably will be forcefully joining next couple years because I’m different
I am quite unwell for the most part. I spend most of my time alone. I’m either at home playing games in a filthy room (because I never have the energy to clean it) or I’m at the low-paying job I hate surrounded by people I’m either indifferent to or despise. As for a personal life, that’s about it. The only person I’m close to is my sister and we don’t even want to talk to eachother at least fifty percent of the time. I’m in my mid-twenties, can’t drive, and I live with my parents who I believe would have kicked me out if they didn’t feel sorry for me. Mental illness runs in my family so I don’t bother talking to them about it because they’re all dealing with their own shit. I feel no excitment for anything. I spend most of my time bored and alone which I hate to admit. I know it’s not, but it feels almost shameful. I’m not going to jump off anything in case anyone is worried, I just wanted to take this opportunity to vent.
I’d say it’s a middle-ground situation.
I’m 31, yet still can’t afford my own apartment, not without being on a waiting list. Meaning I’ll probably get my own proper apartment by the time I’m 40.
However, it’s not so bad, because I’m sharing a place with my younger brother.
Unfortunately, though, my younger brother is an avid Musk supporter.
My job, Just Eat, just got bought by a major tech company. 4th biggest in the world, I think. So om worried about what that’s going to mean.
However, Just Eat in Denmark has a strong trade union club, and I’m an active member in it. Might even become Co-representative one day.
It is unfortunate, however, that all this is taking away from what I love doing. I practice 3D modelling, animation. I’m slowly learning about game programming. I do 2D art. I have this science fiction universe with characters and aliens and adventures i want to make something with. But between my job, the furry commissions I have to make, and some freelance work I do for a Bionicle project, there is very little time left to work on my own ideas.
Honestly, I’m worried about my job and how difficult it will be to get another if I get laid off (I work in Tech) due to business shenanigans and things out of my control. My mental health is at an all time low because of the anxiety; last month it was due to Trump and Elon’s attack on the integrity of US Govt Services, and before that the looming climate crisis. It’s affecting my sleep and recently I get slight headaches throughout the day. I’m so tired of feeling anxious all the time.
I’m burnt out mentally; if I get laid off this year I’m just going to activate my NZ Working Holiday Visa (applied in advance in expectation of layoffs) and just chill.
I’m doing good, though I spent the whole last 48 hours working on a tiny, tiny writing project so I could get it exact, and it might not even lead to anything. The things I do when I need to sleep.
Expect a lot of fearful people who are expecting their medicaid to get cut and lose access to healthcare.
As someone with cancer, that’s what I’m going through.
Not much can be done. The suffering is the point. The majority will not stand up for people like me.
I’m definitely expecting a lot of fear, I know I’m pretty terrified myself.
I’m so sorry, you just shouldn’t have to worry about your healthcare being dropped randomly, especially not in the middle of treating something. I hate that I can’t make your situation any better, I’m just sorry you’re facing that.
I’m in the USA, I’ve been seeing this harrowing bullshit for a long time. Long before it affected me personally. I’ve been angry about it for a long time. Nothing changes, everything gets worse. I’m just a statistic. It is what it is.
Thank you for the kindness, however. The kindness does matter.
I’m barely getting by. Too burnt and overwhelmed out to do things that make living feel more worth it, or to get on top of the backlog that’s dragging me down. I’ve just been in survival mode for too long, and I feel like I’ve forgotten how to live — how to be me. I desperately need some aims that can give me a sense of forward momentum and act as a thread that connects different days, but my capacity is so low that even the basics of daily living are too ambitious for me to reliably do right now.
I’ve got a long history of struggling with suicidal ideation and I do worry that some day, I’ll just break and won’t be able to stop myself from making an attempt. In the past, when I have struggled and made attempts on my life, it was because I chose to stop being alive. This feels different because even when I’m at my lowest, I do desperately want to live, but I feel like it isn’t my choice. Either I will or won’t be enough, and to some extent, all I can do is wait and see. That limbo is what’s getting to me though; it’s why goals are good for me — they keep me focussed on where I want to be heading and this grounds me.
In terms of how people could help, I don’t think they’re is anything, besides continuing to be the lovely people y’all are. The world is grim, but I’m actually in a pretty healthy place re: social media usage — the people here remind me of the power of human connection. Anyone reading this doesn’t need to direct me to mental health resources, because I have actually started receiving support on that front. It’s just that unpicking a heckton of trauma and rebuilding a life from scratch is a lot of pressure; it’s hard to feel like life itself isn’t just saying “git gud, scrub”, when the ordeal of getting on top of everything is so arduous.
I’ve been sleeping like shit. The air mattress I sleep on has a slow leak and deflates halfway through the night. It’s also been cold af for the last 3 months and the baseboard heater isn’t enough to heat the room.
On the bright side I finally found a job, so the threat of homelessness is subsiding. I’m looking forward to getting a real bed, now that I know I’ll have a place to keep it.
Relative to the last several months, I’m doing amazing. Thanks for asking.
Got laid off 2 days ago due to “downsizing”… Other than that, I am doing just fine 👍.