Is this a comment on juice and smoothie being the same thing?
Or are you missing certain ingredients to call it a “real” smoothie?
Or is it just not thick or pulpy enough for your taste?
a smoothie is… smooth. It should be much more viscous than juice, which is basically just flavoured water.
I make my own smoothies. You can put whatever you want in there. Bunch of berries? Yes. Bunch of yogurt? Yes. Little bit of banana. Hell yeah. Bit of canola oil? Sure, gotta have lubrication. Little bit of lemon juice because acid helps flavour. No soy sauce though because I’m too manly for that, just use some parmesan or straight msg instead. If your blender is powerful enough like mine you can just put nails in there for extra iron.
i’ve started making my own smoothies too. only way i’ve found to make sure i don’t get any juice. you’ve got me curious about the lemon juice thing though. maybe that’s what i’ve been missing
I should have added a tone marker to indicate nonseriouness. Adding lemon juice is probably a bad idea (but I admit that I haven’t actually tested that so I don’t actually know). Also please do not add cheese or nails to your smoothie! I can seriously recommend a bit of banana though. The banana taste doesn’t really come through but it adds a lot of body to the flavour. Oh also oat milk is great in smoothies but I guess that could be considered oat juice so idk if you’d want that.
lemon juice should work fine, provided you’re adding a spritz or two and not like, 3 table spoons…