Chemistry: “So anyways, here’s Zyklon B”
In chemistry they flip a coin to decide if their next product will improves mankinds quality of life tenfold or be the reason the Geneva convention needs a rewriting
We call this the Haber Flip.
Why Chem don’t get to participate?
Because of World War 1.
Bio was also later disqualified because of WWIII … or was it WWIV? or WWV? … I forget but it was one of them anyway.
Hey, spoilers
I appreciate that Randall Munroe isn’t a part of the Feynman cult. Angela Collier did a great video about it a few months ago.
Uh-oh. As a shallow level science lover I’ve always liked and respected Feynman and how he has presented science to layfolk like myself. I’m expecting some disappointing information when I dig into this video tomorrow.
From watching the video, he’s a great and talented science communicator and a decent man (depending on if the divorce trial was mutually fabricated or real).
But he’s a mid scientist that doesn’t really deserve to have his work compared to Einstein and Newton like he often is.
He also made up a bunch of macho cool stories about himself that’s like Rick Sanchez mixed with an “Alpha Male”, and much like both it infected young guys for years to come.
Also bongos.