my son’s laugh
I cant even
I have misophonia, so that is basically hell to me
Foxes barking or whatever the sound is called that they make.
Absolute yappers those things
- Kick drum
- Perfectly tuned snare
- Reese bass
- 303 squelchy bass
- The percussion in massive attacks “angel”
- My fiances laugh
- The crack of thunder
Waves of the ocean washing ashore.
The violin, a muted trumpet, jazz piano, glass harmonica.
The title credits music from the Expanse - Clinton Shorter
Crustation - Purple (Ummah/J Dilla Mix)
Epic choral singing. (Arvo Part - Miserere)
Heavy rain on a roof.
Anguished cries of my enemies.
The lamentation of their women, I guess.
Thats a good one, “i am speed” ah sound.
A dog snoring or sniffing, a cat purring, idk
The sound of an English country garden on a Sunday in summer.
This is a composite of several sounds all of which must be quiet or distant enough to not be a distraction but which in conjunction are glorious:
- childrens’ laughter just far away enough to not be bothersome
- bees buzzing from flower to flower
- a propeller-driven light aircraft from a nearby aerodrome (ideally this would be a vintage plane with a Merlin engine, gently warbling in the distance)
- the sound of leather on willow, and the occasional call and muted cheer, from a cricket match on the village green
- the gentle burble of a stream
- church bells, far enough away that their individual peels almost blend into each other
- the clink of ice as someone pours a perfect gin and tonic.
A chirping/trilling cat.
My girlfriends voice. I could listen to her talk for the rest of my life.
–Elton John
Cat Sounds